Young Griffith (24)

TW (Substance Abuse/suicide):
A Xaela boy that has no tie with his roots with the Steppe for his own family was exiled for unknown reasons. Living in an urban area, he met his first and only love, Eri, in which with him having no experience in learning right from wrong and lack of guidance in life by his own parents, pushed her to her own end.
His work includes being a delivery boy for goods, some of which are illegal but does so anyways, however, it's resulted in him getting involved with dealers and gang members which are out to get him for some of his jobs also include the taking back of goods. He will do so without question so long as he isn't forced to take someone's life, a promise he made for himself after what had happened to his love.

Her passing lies heavily within his mind and his guilt follows him every day. To try and distract himself, he hangs out with shady people and copulates on the regular to fill the emptiness inside him along with putting his life in danger with the use of narcotics. Finding no way to forgive himself, he finally resorts to bringing his own end before a strange bird met him in the nick of time before jumping off a cliff, and granted him the power of Saurga.

Saurga (TW: Heavy Blood)

Saurga: A transparent entity that follows Griffith around as their "guardian." Not even a full day passed when it turned out that the amorphic being turned out to be too much for the Xaela to handle. Meteion (the bird that saved Griffith) visited the boy to see how he was handling it and witnessed he couldn't control it. Meteion had Saurga implant an eyeball that belonged to a god from one of her travels in other worlds that allows him to see people's sins and lies and able to manifest them into Saurga hands for him to control.

Also far from the young boy's control, Meteion finally resorted to manifesting Griffith's own greatest sin and incarnate it into a duplicate of the boy who wears the same face and appearance but is a person of their own and better suited to handle Saurga and the newfound abilities. The current wherabouts of the Young Griffith is unknown.